Renee's Wellness, LLC
Professional Life Coach, Reiki 1&2 Master, MA

WHO IS Renee and WHY Renee’s Wellness?

Hi, my name is Stephanie Renee. I am the founder and creator of Renee's Wellness. Born and bred in Waco, Texas; yet raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma by a loving single mother. As a child, I learned about love, compassion, and empathy for others, as a result of growing up with a totally disabled sibling. My brother, Eric was born with CP (Cerebral Palsy) and is the reason why I am the compassionate person I am today. While growing up I struggled with wellness (mental, physical, and spiritual); I dealt with low self-esteem, self-worth, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, I have experienced setbacks, pains, grief, frustrations, disappointment, abuse (physical, mental, and sexual), and failures (personal and professional) which birthed a constant trauma state of mind. As a result of my negative mindset, I struggled for years to release those ideologies from my mind. My past held me down for years and crippled me in regards to my life, my career, my relationships, and mostly my health. After a very devastating discussion with her medical doctor, my transition to wellness began. As my journey continues, I have a passion to help others to overcome and work on their wellness, especially women. And Renee’s wellness is committed to helping individuals to LEARN how to LOVE themselves and HEAL.

We Look Forward to Working With You.

Our team is awaiting your contact. Kindly send us a message, and we will respond promptly. If you have a specific provider in mind that you would like to work with, please mention their name in your contact.

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